Then the long and dry nails were dipped in a kind of bone black oil, and a very profound and complicated magic pattern was drawn on this magic parchment, which flowed into this magic pattern with a trace of soul, and the whole magic pattern lit up.

Soul fires come together from all sides, and Count Funak occasionally swallows these soul-like things with a deep breath next to them. Count Funak takes a sip every time and then continues to stare at the magic tattoo circle. Until a broken soul flew out of the darkness, Count Funak circled back and forth next

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Miss Hathaway’s long blond hair was cut off by an evil spirit, leaving her hair hanging freely. Her green eyes were full of anger, and the knight’s sword in her hand could not stop the evil spirit from attacking her. She looked a little embarrassed at the moment, and there was a shallow blood stain on her shoulder clavicle.

Bo Qiang, craftsmen and noble knights came running one after another to help Miss Hathaway. When the evil spirit saw Bo closing in, he dragged his broken leg and tried to retreat hastily. But at this moment, his calf bone has been completely broken, and Miss Hathaway can still occupy a certain advantage in fighting,

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Latour looked down at himself and then at his two companions and said, "What are we afraid of? We don’t have any. Everyone doesn’t mind gambling … I heard that our new commander has the holy light to heal."

Beside two carrying lanterns shoulder carrying ladder guards are nodding. Chester swordsmen saw Latour’s talkative personality and asked him. "What’s your name?" Latour hurriedly straight body a face of primly said "My name is Latour." Chester swordsmen didn’t continue to talk and waved them to continue to repair the crossbow. Looking at the wall with

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In the portrait, the girl actually climbed out of the parchment and reached out a little finger. Signa’s fingers touched together for a moment. Signa’s portrait of the girl’s spiritual world was surrounded by darkness, one height and one height. Two girls were like the water. Signa had to look up to see the girl’s face.

Signa felt that the darkness around their bodies was completely different. Behind her was a quiet and silent portrait of darkness all night, but behind the girl it seemed like a mass of black fire was burning, which made Signa fall back three steps involuntarily. Behind her, the silence and darkness also retreated like a

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